Stop stopping Yourself!
When is the next Course starting?
The next Power Within - Breathwork Training course
is planned to start in
May/June 2025
How long is the course?
The training is divided into nine modules, generally every 4 weeks, spread over approx. nine months.
This pace reduces the counter-productive risk of information overload and overwhelm. It provides time for processing and integration of any realisations found, as well as time to review and understand new information learned. Additionally, the Trainer is available for consultation between each Module to answer any questions that may arise after each weekend.
Each module is held over a Friday evening, all day Saturday & Sunday.
A brief outline of the weekend topics is below and a copy of the current training brochure is here.
Who can do this Training?
Anyone with a strong need and desire to change aspects of their lives they are not happy about
Anyone seeking to change habits and belief systems that are not serving them
Anyone seeking to improve their emotional health
Anyone seeking a pathway to building personal resilience
Anyone seeking to understand their relationships with themselves, family and others
Anyone seeking to raise awareness of positive possibilities of hope, peace and harmony in their lives
Anyone seeking to become a professional Breathwork Therapy practitioner
Life Coaches, personal trainers, mentors seeking additional tools for clients
Mental health professionals seeking additional treatment options to offer/refer
Anyone in a complementary health field seeking further learning
Why do this Training?
This course is more than just learning about the breathing process
and the basics of running a session.
The primary focus of this training is YOU - your own self-exploration and development. This course will challenge you to review your own life experiences and find insights into your current thoughts, patterns and behaviours in all key areas of your life.
We will be working on our Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual selves, and covering all our major life stages.
Participant numbers are kept small (maximum 8) to allow each individual the time and energy to examine, explore and share their experiences.
In this safe, supportive and practical program you will discover and explore areas that may need change so that you can move beyond your current capabilities. In doing so you learn the tools and information that will increase your resilience to face life’s challenges - past, present and future - and to recover faster and with less drama.
A Breathwork Therapy session is used in each training weekend as the catalyst to bring changes in yourself, whilst learning how to use Breathwork Therapy with others.
You do not need to become a Practitioner for this course to be a valuable life-asset in your personal and professional evolution and development.
Whilst created for people to become Breathwork Therapy practitioners, most participants enrol purely for their own personal evolution. Likewise, some of us did it purely for personal evolution reasons, and then went on to become Breathwork practitioners!
The Course includes up to 16 Breathwork sessions for yourself, plus working with another person, all with the guidance and support of the facilitator and trained assistants. This ensures you learn and develop your skills and experience safely over time and allow time for integration of your learning. That is not possible in a single week, weekend or 'Intensive Immersion'!
This training was previously the practical component for an Australian accredited training for a Certificate IV in Health - Breathwork, with a Diploma also available, as taught through Breathwork Training Australia, in conjunction with an RTO. Currently, these formal qualifications are not viable due to increasing Government costs to maintain the accreditation. However, nothing has been removed from the original Certificate IV course, plus some additions/updates to maintain the integrity and currency of the course.
The Power Within Breathwork Training is one of few Breathwork training courses in the world that are as comprehensive, in-depth, and effective in creating positive change in people - at a personal level as well as in preparation on becoming a practitioner.
What are the benefits of this course?
Having completed the training myself, as well as assisting on 5 other trainings and Trainer Training with Breathwork Training Australia, I have experienced and seen how this comprehensive Breathwork Therapy training has changed and evolved so many people in so many ways, including:
100% personal responsibility and self-acceptance
New understanding and application of invaluable Life skills
Emotional healing of long-held negative thoughts and patterns
Moving away from a life of fear, shame and trauma
Reduction and control of depression and anxiety
Greater understanding and strengthening of relationships
Increase in life resilience
Find and control their personal power
Reduced co-dependence
Moving towards forgiveness
Greater Spiritual connection
...and so much more.
It is a total package of preparing you to be able to handle almost any situation and life experience that may be presented to you from your past and in the future, or that a client may present to you as a practitioner.
What is included in the course?
Maximum 8 students for more personalised and inclusive training
Over 210 hours of in-person group training (over approx. 9 months period)
3 out-of-classroom activities
Numerous embodiment processes and practical experiences
Up to 16 Breathwork sessions, including 'mid-month' additional practice/experience
Nine comprehensive Training Manuals, plus additional Handouts and resources
Light refreshments throughout
All Venue costs
Ongoing community connection via Australian Academy of Breathwork (all students)
Access to any Australian Academy of Breathwork Conferences and workshops (once training completed)
Ability to become a professional Breathwork Therapy practitioner (additional steps required at no additional cost)
Ongoing Mentorship for new Practitioners
Experienced and Qualified Breathwork Trainer, plus trained Assistants
The cost of the training can vary from course to course and depends on location and travel costs for the trainer. Information nights will be held in the lead up to the commencement of each new training where full details will be available.
Payment Plans are available. Please ask about options.
Training Fee does not include: participant transportation costs to/from training venue/s, lunches, any participant accommodation costs (if required), costs of personal choice or nature.
The Power Within - Breathwork Training
Dates & FAQs
Module 1
First Steps
Logistics of the Training
Personal responsibility
Barriers to change
Emotion Scale
The language we use
Thought is Creative
History of Breathwork
The breathing process
How a Breathwork session is run
Module 4
Effects of Education on the child and adult
Learning styles
Listening to feedback
Interested/Non-interested parents
‘Don’t Fit In’ syndrome
Module 7
Sex & Relationships
Purpose of relationships
Patterns of attraction, projection & manifestation
Creating lasting relationships
Couple counselling
Co-dependence Part 2
Working and healing on sexual abuse
Recovered memory
Warm water Breathwork
Module 2
Birth & Conception
Understanding conception and birth trauma
Birth and its effects on the child & adult psyche
Different styles of birth
Breathwork & the Brain
Working with birth re-enactment
Why the Breathwork Therapy technique
Module 5
What is fear
Innate fear
How fear is demonstrated in the body
How fear can control our life
Reality & fear
Fear and Breathwork
Outdoor activity
Module 8
Death & Spirituality
Attitudes to aging
Dealing with death
Understanding the grief process
Working with unresolved grief
What defines Spirituality
Past LIfe Regression
Breathing yourself
Cold water Breathwork
Module 3
Parental Disapproval Syndrome
Effects of parents on childhood
Emotions of personal affect
Patterns of relationship
The Adult/child
Introduction to co-dependence
Working with PDS
Module 6
Parental attitudes and influence about money
Our relationship with money
Prosperity consciousness
Emotions & money
Ethics vs morals
Benefits of charity & volunteering
Module 9
Life purpose
Review of training
Starting a Breathwork practice
Professionalism, ethics and confidentiality
Client treatment strategy
Ongoing Mentor support & review