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Need a safe space to talk?

Approximately 50% of all my current clients are LGBTQI+, and working with the my community is a passion and a privilege for me.


I am proud to be supporting members of our community through their own process of acknowledgment, self-acceptance and building resilience. 


Through my own experiences, training, and working with clients, I have the empathy and understanding required to work with the LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, etc) community on what can be quite intimate and delicate matters, with total confidentiality.


What are you struggling with?


I recognise that the LGBTQI+ community have their own set of unique life situations that most heterosexual people do not experience, or at least, not in the same way.


You may be trying to deal with:

  • Sexual / Gender identity

  • Feelings of guilt and shame

  • ‘Not being worthy’

  • Discrimination

  • Abuse – physical, sexual, emotional

  • Difficult relationships - partner/family/work

  • Difficulty seeking relationships

  • Addictions – including pornography & sex

  • Coming Out / fallout of Coming Out

  • Sexual / sexuality issues

  • Married and LGBTQI+

  • Married to LGBTQI+ partner

  • Being a parent of a LGBTQI+ child

  • Being a child of a LGBTQI+ parent

  • Body/image issues

  • Family separation and dis-ownership



How can Breathwork Therapy help?


Self Discovery & Building Resilience


Through Breathwork, I learned about what thoughts and patterns held me back from accepting myself, and where I 'fitted in'. As I began to understand these thoughts, patterns & behaviours I learned how to build stronger relationships - not only with others, but more importantly, with myself.  I also learned which relationships to step back or distance myself from.


Learning about our self is not only about our gender/sexual identity.  It is also about us as an individual person. Being a part of the LGBTQI+ community does not exclude us from dealing with many of the same struggles as non-LGBTQI+ people.  Everyone can have relationship problems, issues around self-worth, loneliness, anxiety/depression, sadness/grief, money, sexual problems, etc. 


Whilst most of the solutions are the same, there are additional nuances that are specific to our community, and also to specific parts of our community.  


The more we learn and understand about ourselves and others, the more resilient we become to be able to move through and beyond any struggle, hurt and difficult situation.  We can learn to be less triggered, and to cope with greater strength and confidence.



Path to Acknowledgment and Acceptance


Acceptance and belonging are core human needs - no matter who or what we are.


Breathwork Therapy starts with our Self.  We may logically acknowledge who we are in our minds, however, we often find resistance in the heart, usually in the form of fear. 


As Breathwork Therapy is an active inward journey, access to our true thoughts and feelings are more easily reached, seen and acknowledged. Once we can acknowledge these, then we can make the changes required towards full acceptance of our Self, then look beyond.


Breathwork Therapy has helped me got to where I am at, and can help you to get to where and who you are meant to be. 




Workshops for LGBTQI+ & their allies


Commencing in second half of 2023, I will be conducting workshops exclusively for the LGBTQI+ community and their allies.


Whilst the topics are not exclusively LGBTQI+ topics, I understand that some stories around these topics may not be comfortable telling in a wider public forum, so I am creating a safe space for you to explore and learn


Refer to the 'Training & Workshops' section for the latest details.


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